First, the Sun of Death
Is told the secrets of life
By Hermes' Daughter.
The Sun of Light learns
And the Child is formed from ash,
And then unbecomes.
A new world is formed,
The refinement process starts,
But it will hurt all.
As the Sun searches,
He uncovers the truth that
Was hidden from him.
The Ultimate Form.
From where is it formed and made?
The Child must answer.
The Suns burn brighter,
Stronger than the Mother who birth'd them,
But they rival Her.
To conclude seven,
The three primaries battle,
The war waged in minds.
Stranger things disperse
Upon a dark moonlit night
Watch the victory.
Rats in parchment hide
Absorbing elements now
Joining each other.
Another world now
The first and earthen framing
But it cannot stay.
Listen close to hear
A Child searching to save all
Will capture him.
The Ultimate Form
Larger than we could fathom.
He is defeated.
It lacks quicksilver.
We do not lack that prime, but
We are no more whole.
To conclude seven,
The Terran number we know.
He will visit them.