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“Great! I’m glad you accepted,” Tesla tells you. “There’s a few key points of information: there are two prevailing types of thought in Alium: Neo-Flamelist and Traditionalist. Neo-Flamelists tend to err towards allowing non-practitioners to discover Alium, but support heavy restrictions on aniforma manufacture and research. Traditionalists hate non-practitioners like yourself and tend to pretend that they like people to be able to obtain aniforma, but will secretly move to further limit their accessibility, especially to non-practitioners.

“Both of these ways of thought encourage one thing: the allocation of power into the hands of the core families, or rather, the limitation of power to the hands of the core families. Still, there are parties that would work to further limit the power, potentially into the hands of one person. There’s a website that popped up that seems to follow Traditionalist thought, especially in regards to Luke Melior’s Proverbs. It’s a blog about ‘The Child,’ a figure in those poems. Will you help me figure out what’s going on with that?"

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